python:No module named xxx


Use $ sudo pip install requests if you have pip installed

On OSX you can also use sudo easy_install -U requests if you have easy_install installed.


Use > Path\easy_install.exe requests if you have a windows machine, where easy_install can be found in your Python*\Scripts folder, if it was installed. (Note Path\easy_install.exe is an example, mine is C:\Python32\Scripts\easy_install.exe)

If you don’t have easy install and are running on a windows machine, you can get it here:

If you manually want to add a library to a windows machine, you can download the compressed library, uncompress it, and then place it into the Lib folder of your python path.

From Source (Universal)

For any missing library, the source is usually available at Then:

On mac osx and windows, after downloading the source zip, uncompress it and from the termiminal/cmd run python install from the uncompressed dir.



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